Mix it up. Pivot. Check and adjust…

Mix it up. Pivot. Check and adjust…These are buzz words in the corporate world, but as a leader you’re obligated to think creatively in order to get the team where are you need them to be and ultimately get the work done.

Recently, I was asked to facilitate a problem-solving session for client, and came in with a pre-read an agenda ready to go. Then, the inevitable happened, the discussion took a turn and I had to quickly assess the situation and decide if I would “get us back on track” or let the team move organically through the process. There is no definitive right answer, so in this instance, I chose to abandon my plan and follow the team.

Whether you are facilitating a meeting that goes entirely off course or trying to help an employee navigate a life change, flexibility is at the heart of what makes some leaders good and others great.

The ability to “read the room” and respond accordingly can be learned through experience and practice (just ask my children), so I encourage you to embrace flexibility in all areas of your life as you think about your 2023 goals.


Accepting feedback is just being coachable


“A good idea only becomes a strategy at the right moment in time”