“A good idea only becomes a strategy at the right moment in time”

“A good idea only becomes a strategy at the right moment in time” - this has been one of my sayings for years (ask any of the amazing people who has had to listen to me say it because they worked for me) and I think it is important for everyone to remember. Just like this drone from the 1960s wasn’t ready to deliver groceries, take people on virtual tours, or put out wildfires, if the timing isn't right, you may need to be satisfied knowing that your good idea is laying the foundation for things yet to come. Highly competent technical people can become frustrated when people don’t see what they see (yes, I’m guilty too) but letting that frustration detract you instead of fuel you can be the difference between setting change in motion and doing nothing at all.

If you know you have a good idea, don’t let it die just because the time isn’t right and don’t keep pitching it the same way either…keep looking for new angles, finding new audiences, and checking the pulse of the organization. Not only do you increase your chances of success, but you might even find ways to improve on your original proposal.


Mix it up. Pivot. Check and adjust…


Don’t be afraid of the “non-value added work”