What mindsets have proven to be most successful in your career?

“What mindsets have proven to be most successful in your career?” This was a question posed to me by Kelli Risse as we were recording in upcoming episode of her podcast “Winning in Business”. It really made me stop and think, so I’m glad she gave me this question ahead of time). I think it’s a fantastic question to reflect on. Here’s what came up with: 

1. Carol Dweck’s Growth Mindset … I didn’t even know about this book until I was a parent, but I have never been one to accept "No" for an answer. As a matter fact I commonly say that "no it’s just an abbreviation for not yet" and that "a good idea only becomes a strategy at the right point in time."

2. Dave Ramsey's debt free philosophy … I was introduced to Dave Ramsey as an adult, but I am confident that my Pop (paternal grandfather) would’ve loved him. I try to embrace his debt-free/cash flow positive philosophy not only in my personal life, but to make sure that I am being a good steward of company money. Whether that is finding low cost options to complete R&D activities, optimizing a supply chain to waste less cash, or provide the highest level of value to a consulting client who isn’t really sure exactly what they mean, knowing that money is a limited resource and using it wisely has always been my starting point for decision making. 

3. The "Small Business" mindset I learned from my mom (the famous “Nana”) … Success is a small business requires that everyone hustle and make decisions as if they owned the company. Growing up in a small business, we talked about financial decisions a lot, we worked together to figure out creative ways to make/save money, we embraced innovative solutions to business challenges, and we focused on making sure everyone felt like they were an essential part of the team. These basic skills have a been critical to my career and the teams that I have lead. 

I know this list isn’t all inclusive, but it was a fun exercise to sit back and reflect on what lives inside of me and influences the way that I work. We know that everyone has baggage that we bring along with us and being aware of it is critical to our success, but sometimes we forget that not all baggage has to be negative. What are some of the philosophies that drive your career?


Don’t be “shell-fish”


Change is scary at any age