It’s the little things…

It’s often the smallest things that make the biggest impact! As a leader, if you can embrace letting go of the little tasks, you can empower your team to do the enormous ones. When people see delegation in a negative light it is often because they either don’t want to give up the control, or they feel a sense of guilt handing off the small tasks. The reality is, however, that a leader with control issues is not likely to be effective for long, and succeeding at those little tasks will give your team confidence needed to do the bigger ones.

Last week, when I had a chance to take my daughter to an event on campus, she sat politely through the speeches and small talk, but the highlight of her trip was being able to use my ID to unlock the building after hours and actual key to open my office. Had I just done those things, we would have still gotten in, but what would we have missed out on?


Traditions shape culture


Phone alarms for the rest of your day